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CCM MAGAZINE - "...this inspirational journey set to music could easily pass as the score to a biblically-based theatrical drama on Broadway simply flows through the stereo and into your soul."

TODAY'S CHRISTIAN WOMAN - "...resounding testament of God's power and mercy."

VIRTUE - "If your musical tastes extend beyond the limited offerings of contemporary Christian music and you like the grand sounds of the musicals Cats and Les Miserables, you'll relish Saviour's spiritually, musically mesmerizing experience."

RELEASE MAGAZINE - "...all the emotion and high drama of a major Broadway production and all the holy fervor of an old-time tent revival meeting."

Dr. James Whitmire, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
- "Saviour is a modernday masterpiece like Handel's Messiah ... it is spirit-filled and centered on Jesus Christ...Many of our people say it was one of the deepest worship experiences they have ever had."

Gary Moore, Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX - "Saviour reaches heights of musical expression and depths of theological profundity that border on the sublime. The love of our congregation and choir for this piece reaches beyond anything I have ever experienced in 35 years of music ministry."

Tom Fowler, Capitol International Productions - "Never have I spent an evening like the one in Akron, Ohio meeting you and hearing Saviour...the glory and majesty of the Lord really came pouring out through your music and the talents of the chorus, orchestra and soloists."

LuAnne VanKirk, Promotions Director, WFRN - "As I recall the memories of Saviour, I remember the many discussions our committee had of how is it possible to bring a production of this magnitude to our market?...Five thousand people showed up and many talked about the impact of the performance for weeks afterwards. It was truly a community effort and we were blessed to be a part of it. We look forward to Bob Farrell's next project!"